Shahana understands that the climate crisis is an increasingly present threat in our district and globally that requires urgent actions. With storms becoming more frequent and extreme, including the drought in November 2024 and the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida, we must prepare for the realities of a changing climate. As such, she has taken important steps to make Brooklyn a climate leader.
Shahana’s Accomplishments:
Shahana introduced and passed historic legislation instituting New York City’s first Citywide Curbside Composting program, the largest in the country. Thanks to this law, every New Yorker can now ensure their food waste goes to a productive use instead of being sent to a landfill or an incinerator.
Shahana launched the City’s first climate justice-focused Participatory Budgeting cycle, investing $1.5 million into resiliency projects in District 39, developed through grassroots input.
Alongside climate advocates, Shahana has pushed for the full and timely implementation of Local Law 97, and has sponsored Int. 1180 to eliminate important loopholes in the law.
Shahana has worked closely with the Department of Environmental Protection to engage community town halls focusing on the agency’s plans on flood mitigation and adaptation strategies in the district. She and her team have also gone door to door to educate constituents, collaborating with local groups like The City Sponge and Field Form, who have been instrumental in efforts to prevent flooding in the district.
Shahana oversaw the completion of the BED 798 sewer main construction in northern Park Slope, a critical project that reduces flood risks and supports green infrastructure initiatives to improve stormwater management.
Shahana has hosted regular rain barrel distributions, e-recycling, and paper shredding events, empowering residents to take action on climate by reducing waste and conserving water.
Shahana’s Vision:
By 2050, large sections of the City will be underwater during high tide, and Shahana has been a strong advocate for expanding infrastructure to handle storm surge and increased water runoff. In her district, she will continue to track the progress of the $230 million combined relief sewer upgrade project in Gowanus.
Shahana is actively exploring legislation to expand more green spaces in the City, expand resiliency projects, reduce the city’s dependency on fossil fuels through improvements to its fleet, grow mesh networks to provide free Wi-Fi for all, and reduce urban heat islands. Shahana believes these efforts should be part of a comprehensive Green New Deal that prioritizes racial and gender equity and creates green collar jobs.
Shahana will work closely with DSNY to ensure her composting legislation is implemented effectively. This includes improving compliance, collection, and processing.
Shahana is working closely with local neighbors to ensure that the Brooklyn Marine Terminal project has robust community engagement and delivers tangible benefits for nearby residents.